

MCBC Events
19 December 2022

In a previous interview, you discovered the company BLS Real Estate.

Today, we would like to introduce you to WILDCARD MANAGEMENT SERVICES and its founder, Pierre Billon.



Can you describe yourself and your background in a few words?

With an MBA with a specialisation in corporate finance in my pocket, I quickly evolved, starting with the role of business & finance analyst, towards management functions in companies. Originally from Monaco, I had the chance to live and work in several European countries (Belgium, Austria, Germany…) before coming back to the Principality.

Being trilingual in English and German is obviously an advantage. Always a bit of a geek, I enjoyed working for many years in technology and telecommunications, before starting my own business and working with clients in many sectors.

Where did your interest in consulting come from and why did you make it your profession?

First in business, and then as a consultant, I have always liked one thing: identifying problems, and finding simple solutions to them.

Whether it’s in management, administration or operations, it’s always fascinating to bring in an outside view and optimise what already exists. It was therefore natural for me to go into consulting.

What services do you offer and for which clients?

Management consultants are there to assist company managers in many areas.

In my case, and for nearly 20 years, I have focused mainly on service companies, whether B2B or B2C, and in particular on two aspects.

On the one hand, the improvement of operations, in particular through the performance of functional audits. This can be for a department or an entire company. Becoming more efficient, while spending less, in a few words.

This results in particular in the improvement of tools, team practices and the implementation of proven knowledge management methods.

On the other hand, the management and strategic aspect. As a company grows, it can lose efficiency, and managers can lose visibility on results and operations. Likewise, teams and their managers need to have better feedback on their needs and results.

My role is to review the organisation, and to set up or improve reporting tools, and to advise on the company’s strategy.


How did you manage to make your services known on the Monegasque market?

In Monaco perhaps even more than elsewhere, contacts and networking are the key. I was able to make my services known through word of mouth, my work for the Junior Economic Chamber of Monaco – where I had the pleasure of being Vice President of the Territory’s Attractiveness in 2022.

And of course, moving into a business centre close to its clients like the Monte-Carlo Business Centre was also a key element.


What do you consider to be your greatest success since the creation of your company?

The greatest success is always the satisfaction of the clients with whom I am lucky enough to work, whether they are institutional or private.

But above all, what I appreciate is taking pleasure in solving problems. As a consultant, one sometimes advises decision-makers in difficult or complex decisions; as in any function, the best way to do this is with benevolence, transparency and professionalism.