
6 New Year’s Resolutions to become a better entrepreneur in 2021

MCBC Events
07 January 2021

Every January 1st, we draw up a list of good resolutions to adopt for the New Year. This tradition involves making one or more commitments to oneself. The goal is to improve their daily life, their habits or even to achieve their goals, over the next twelve months.

It is very likely that your 2020’s good resolutions have been turned upside down, revised or modified following the sanitary crisis. However, 2021 rhymes with fresh start. Indeed, the transition to the new year marks a break with the past and motivates us to improve who we are.

Therefore, we have concocted a list of 6 New Year’s Resolutions that you must absolutely take to become a better entrepreneur in 2021:

1. Focus on your well-being and that of your employees

It must be recognized that stress is an increasingly present factor in companies. To remedy this situation, you need to improve what can be improved and redefine your priorities. In addition, choosing a comfortable and pleasant working environment will improve your efficiency at work.

2. Networking

Expand your professional network is essential. Indeed, having strong connections with other professionals is an indispensable resource for an entrepreneur. Our advice? Invite your customers, partners or employees to share a lunch meeting and bring conviviality to your discussions!

3. Keep training throughout your life as an entrepreneur

It is essential to acquire new skills throughout one’s career. Professionally, gaining qualifications allows you to remain competitive in a constantly changing world. On the other hand, on a personal level, training promotes individual development.

4. Digitize your business

Today’s world is constantly changing. It has become necessary to use Web 2.0 in your company’s communication strategy. In 2021, take a good resolution and create your professional social networks’ accounts! This “online” presence will give visibility to your company and establish proximity with your customers.

5. Delegate more

Knowing how to entrust certain tasks to qualified people will allow you to concentrate on your core business. Obviously, it is important to delegate tasks that are time consuming and with low added value. As a result, this will allow you to better control your time and focus on your priorities.

6. Observation of the environment, a fundamental asset

In order to seize the multiple opportunities available to them, entrepreneurs must constantly remain attentive! Instead of being a passive actor, you should connect with the surrounding world and stay up to date. Thus, this will allow you to remain creative and competitive in your industry.

To conclude, we remind you that these commitments are only launched by ourselves. It is therefore useless to be too demanding on yourself. However, setting goals encourages self-improvement, confidence and motivation.

The Monte-Carlo Business Center wants to help you meet your good resolutions for the new year! Our team ensures your comfort and well-being on a daily basis in order to maximize your productivity. Indeed, we offer you the opportunity to meet and discuss with many professionals. Our clients come from several industries. In addition, we are motivated to regularly organize stimulating and interesting events that enhance communication. This year, the calendar will be busy! We are planning conferences, training, Apero’clock, Motivation Breakfast and even an art exhibition!

We remind you that the Monte-Carlo Business Center team has experts in administrative management and digital communication. You can thus entrust us with your low added value tasks as well as your social networks management.