
The insurance company ALLIANZ HAMACHE-SALMON is now installed at MCBC !

MCBC Events
21 July 2020

The Monte-Carlo Business Center is glad to count among its clients the insurance company ALLIANZ HAMACHE-SALMON. The company offers insurance services for car, motorbike, home, health, family, retirement or life insurance. You can trust Allianz which has been elected 1st global insurance brand in 2019 !

They have chosen to set up their secondary point of sale in the prestigious Metropole Shopping Monte-Carlo gallery thanks to the Monte-Carlo Business Center. You can now visit them from Monday to Friday and from 9am to 5pm for quote request, contrat subscription or to table documents.

Like ALLIANZ HAMACHE-SALMON, give your business the address it deserves and receive your clients in optimal conditions.


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